This planting guide provides the best available information about
planting dates, rates, and depths for forage crops commonly
grown in North Carolina. The process of establishing a forage
crop is very important because:
Perennial crops can remain productive for several years without replanting,
and thus poor stand establishment can result in long-term low forage productivity
Soil and water conservation and animal feeding depend upon rapid establishment of persistently good forage stands
Variety Selection
Most of the information provided here applies to all varieties of the same plant species;
however, variety selection can influence the productivity and persistence of a crop.
Information on variety performance can be obtained from the Official Variety Testing Program in
NC and also from Forage Variety Trial Programs conducted in neighboring States of the transition
region (e.g., Tennessee, Kentucky). Remember, however, that poor establishment can nullify the
influence of even the best varieties.
Planting Region
The climate and soils of North Carolina vary considerably across the state. This variation makes
it necessary to plant at different times in each area. The state can be divided into three major
regions: Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain. The planting dates in this guide are listed for
the major regions and are based on normal growing conditions.
A review of the average freezing dates in the spring and fall indicates significant differences in
weather within and between the three major regions. Therefore, the planting dates suggested may be
adjusted a few days on the basis of local experience and weather records. For example, the optimum
planting dates for the mountains are 15 to 30 days earlier in the fall than those for the piedmont,
but a review of the temperature records indicates that the best planting dates in the southern mountains
may be similar to those in the piedmont.
Planting Time
Establishing a successful forage crop depends partly on weather conditions shortly
before and after planting. Years of field research and experience under North Carolina's
aried growing conditions have made it possible for researchers to recommend planting
dates that will most likely lead to success or minimize risk ("best dates").
Delaying planting until the last possible dates indicated may reduce the chance of a
good stand by 30 to 50% ("possible dates"). We have also included general
recommendations in Table 2 for planting some cool-season grass-legume mixtures.
Nonetheless, cool-season grass-legumes mixtures can also be achieved by frost-seeding
clover seed by early- to mid-February in already established cool-season grasses.
Time of planting is important because the survival rate of developing seedlings is related to
the time at which stress occurs from drought, freezing, or competition for light and nutrients.
If no such stress occurs, or if it occurs after seedlings are well established, survival and
production losses can be minimized. It is worth noting that date ranges may vary each year,
especially in light of erratic and extreme weather patterns. This guide is designed to provide
generalized best management practices.
Fall Plantings. In general, cool-season forages, and especially perennial
forages, can be best established by planting in the fall. Seedbeds can best be prepared
during favorable autumn weather when weeds are not as competitive. Furthermore, seedling
root systems can become well established before hot, dry weather the following season.
However, late fall plantings can result in winter injury from freezing and heaving.
Here are some points to remember about fall planting:
Cool-season grass seedlings are more tolerant of freezing temperatures and heaving than legumes
In prepared seedbeds, alfalfa and ladino clover should have five to seven true leaves present before frequent freezing weather occurs
In prepared seedbeds, grasses should have three to four leaves before freezing weather occurs
Spring Plantings. Spring plantings carry additional risk (i.e., drought, heat, and weed encroachment) far beyond fall plantings. Spring plantings in the Piedmont and Mountains may be justified (1) if land or sod is prepared in the fall or winter, and plantings can be made early enough (between mid-February and late-March) for the crop to become established before summer stress and (2) if summer weeds can be controlled while the seedlings develop.
Overseeding (or “interseeding”, or “sod seeding”) is the practice of planting/introducing one type forage into an existing stand of another already established forage. This practice is commonly used for overseeding cool-season annual forages (e.g., wheat, rye, ryegrass, triticale) into existing stands of warm-season perennial grasses (e.g., bermudagrass, bahiagrass). When planting fescue or orchardgrass in existing sod, it is best to plant in the fall.
Seeding Rates
Seeding rates vary because of seed size, purity, germination percentage,
and seedling vigor (all this information should be provided in the seed -bag label).
The percentage of seeds that will germinate generally declines with age, but if seeds are stored
in a cool, dry place, gemination should not decline more than 10 percent in the first year.
In general, seeds that have low germination levels also produce seedlings with poor vigor.
Planting rates (lbs/acre) are provided on a pure live seed (PLS) basis.
To determine PLS planting rate see a PLS calculator here. Under adverse conditions, only 10 to 50 percent of the seeds planted will establish successfully. Therefore, many seeds are needed to obtain a satisfactory stand.
Broadcast vs. Drill
Drilling concentrates the seeds within a furrow; therefore, seeds occupy a smaller area of the ground, and are better able to break through the soil crust. Planting rates for drilling or cultipacker seeder are 20 to 50 percent less than for broadcasting. Seed placement, soil-seed contact and uniformity of stands are usually better with drilling than with broadcasting, especially when planting conditions are not optimum.
Planting Depth
Generally, small-seeded crops can be planted slightly deeper in sandy soils than in clay soils. Grasses can usually be planted deeper than legumes in similar soils. However, it is important to prepare a firm seedbed before planting to conserve moisture and avoid variation in planting depth. Precision planting equipment is usually required to get proper depth control for small forage seeds, especially in minimum or no-till plantings.
What is a Good Stand?
Since plant characteristics change depending upon their density, age, grazing or cutting height, and other factors, it is difficult to say exactly how many plants it takes to make a good stand. In general, a good stand is one that provides 90 to 100 percent ground cover and will produce high yields when managed properly. The clover part of mixtures should make up at least 30 percent of the stand (on a weight basis) in order for it to significantly contribute to the mixture. One should walk the fields several times each growing season in order to make a fair evaluation of stands.
When Using This Guide Remember
This guide serves as a tool to use in planning your forage system, but not all forages included will be successful in North Carolina’s climate. In fact, several crops have not performed satisfactorily in this state. Information about the varieties is included to increase the chance of success if the decision to plant them has already been made. Additional information on various forage varieties can be obtained by contacting your local county office of N.C. Cooperative Extension.
Planting Guide for Forage Crops in North Carolina
Start Here
We'll calculate the seeding rate in lbs/acre and show you the recommended planting dates
You Must Select A Region
The crop you selected is not recommended for this region
The Mountains region refers to areas above 2,500ft elevation. Where elevation is lower, you may extend the fall dates by 20 days and seed 15 days earlier in the spring
For the black, heavy-textured soils in the tidewater region, use dates for the Piedmont region
The best time to sod seed depends on the prevalence of insects in late August and early September and the drought prediction for September. If insects are not evident and moisture is adequate, plant on the early dates
Alfalfa can be successfully seeded into a sod in mid-to-late winter (same as ladino) provided that the grass sod is killed the previous fall (in Oct and Nov)
What Is Pure Live Seed?
Pure Live Seed (PLS) refers to the amount of live, viable seed in a lot (or bag) of bulk seed. A PLS value is expressed as a percentage of the bulk seed.
• %PLS = Purity x Total Germination• Total Germination = Germination Rate + Hard Seed + Dormant Seed
The amount of seed you will need to use to achieve our recommended application rate is equal to:
• Our Recommended Rate (lbs/acre) / % PLS of Your Seed