Planting Guide for Forage Crops in North Carolina

About This Planting Guide

This planting guide provides the best available information about planting dates, rates, and depths for forage crops commonly grown in North Carolina. The process of establishing a forage crop is very important because:

Planting Guide for Forage Crops in North Carolina

Photo of Workers Tilling Soil By Hand

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North Carolina Frost Predictions
  • The Mountains region refers to areas above 2,500ft elevation. Where elevation is lower, you may extend the fall dates by 20 days and seed 15 days earlier in the spring
  • For the black, heavy-textured soils in the tidewater region, use dates for the Piedmont region
  • The best time to sod seed depends on the prevalence of insects in late August and early September and the drought prediction for September. If insects are not evident and moisture is adequate, plant on the early dates
  • Alfalfa can be successfully seeded into a sod in mid-to-late winter (same as ladino) provided that the grass sod is killed the previous fall (in Oct and Nov)